Jeffrey Cullen Dean


The Heist interface was created as a comedic mobile app to help bank robbers—it is a difficult hobby to get into, after all. With so many logistics of a caper, “Where do I even start?” is a common thought among potential thieves. Well, Heist is the digital assistant to lower the barrier of entry for anyone who wants to strike big in this lucrative scene.

The goals of the interface are to:

1) Allow thieves to connect and recruit peers for jobs.

2) Provide a digital system that allows users to keep track of the varying logistics of successful heist, such as equipment, alibis, and a getaway plan.

3) Have a method of monitoring law enforcement in the event an escape needs to be made.

To the right, you can find an interactive prototype of the interface.


Before getting to work on the interface, a persona was created to mimic a potential user of the product. Sally Dufresne is a new thief on the scene.

She wants an app to help her keep track of the many moving components of a heist—getaway vehicle, alibis, disguises, weapons, cool one-liners, the team’s plan—and a way to connect with other thieves. Since she’s a novice, she doesn’t know how to network with other thieves or how to break into the scene.

Sally is also concerned about running into law enforcement, so she’d like to be able to pre-screen the people she connects with. She wants to stay updated on police movements and have the ability to eject out of a heist, if needed.

Concept Sketches

The interface was inspired by run tracking apps with similar features so that users can rely on digital literacy to easily understand how to navigate and use the interface.

The map and leaderboard screens were modeled after similar designs found in running apps.

The recruitment and personal profile screens were influenced by dating apps as the features were comparable to those desired for Heist.

The radio scanner screen is modeled after standard police scanner apps.

And the menu screen was designed as a hub for the various logistics required for a heist—with several moving parts, it is best to have them separated in their own categories.

Final Screens

The final screens were created with Adobe Illustator and protoyped with Adobe XD.